Bikeways Campaign

Complete Oakland’s Bicycle Master Plan by 2020: complete continuous bikeways on five key travel corridors by 2015, complete all 218 miles of the bicycle network by 2020.

To achieve these goals, in 2012 we are continuing our campaigns to complete the bikeways on Broadway and East 12 St by the end of the year and are starting campaigns on the next three priority corridors. Contact: Liza Pratt

For more information about the progress of the Bicycle Master Plan, visit:

  • Bike Broadway: complete an important north south route by completing bike lanes on Broadway from 38th Street to Broadway Terrace. Resolution to City council meeting in May. Review and work to integrate AC Transit Broadway Efficiency Study: Potentially eliminating bus stops improving conditions for riding bikes. Included in TEP funding plan, new Safeway project at 51st & Broadway, expansion plans at Rockridge Montessori on upper Broadway.

For more information about the progress of the Broadway Bikeway, visit:

  • East 12th Street: complete an important east west route by completing bike lanes on East 12th Street from Fruitvale Ave to Chinatown. Resolution to City council meeting in May. Potentially install by end of year.

For more information:

  • Next priority corridors include three of the following: Telegraph Ave (see BRT below), 40th Street, 10th Street, 14th Street downtown,

Parklets campaign

This is our primary campaign of 2012 to create more pedestrian amenities and make it a more pleasant experience to walk in Oakland. The city created pilot parklet program in fall of 2011 and Walk Oakland Bike Oakland is working with City staff, businesses, and neighborhood organizations to ensure the pilot parklets are a success and that City Council passes legislation by the end of the year to make the pilot program permanent.

For more information about the pilot program, visit:

Contact: Shannon Tracey

Policy Watch

In addition to our two primary campaigns, the Walk Oakland Bike Oakland Campaigns & Policy committee is keeping an eye on several other key issues and projects that are important to ensuring the success of these campaigns.

Contact: Doug Johnson

These include:

  • Complete Streets Policy: expected to come before PW committee in the next few weeks.  Required by Measure B (see below).  Affects implementation of every bike route in the city’s bike plan.
  • Measure B: The Alameda County Transportation Effectiveness Plan includes a recommendation for a half cent sales tax to fund transportation. While there are several positive aspects of the plan – including increased funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements and a county Complete Streets policy – and the funding is important to filling a gap, Walk Oakland Bike Oakland wants to ensure any money Oakland receives from Measure B is used in a way consistently with Complete Streets policy. If City Council approves recommendation, Measure B will be placed on the November ballot.

For more information, visit: or

  • AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): This project has the potential to ensure bike lanes are installed on Telegraph Avenue and East 12th14th Street in addition to major upgrades for pedestrians on these corridors. The project proposal is currently in the Draft Environmental Impact Review stage. Walk Oakland Bike Oakland is partnering with a coalition of other organizations to ensure the proposal is approved by Oakland City Council and Alameda County Supervisors. Community meetings held in March, goes before City Council and County Supervisors in March – May.  Contact: Autumn Bernstein

For more information, visit:

  • Lake Merrit Station Area Plan: Inclusion of good facilities for biking and walking will make an important connection between downtown and the proposed bike lanes on East 12th Street, as well as routes on Oak, Madison, 8th & 9th, 10th Streets. Contact: Chris Hwang

For more information, visit:

  • Broadway Valdez Specific Plan: The plan will develop strategies to provide destination retail and mixed-use development along Broadway between Grand Avenue and Interstate 580. The land use strategies have the potential to make the area a more vibrant corridor, more pleasant for biking and walking, and reduce dependence on transportation by private vehicles in the area. Contact: Marla Wilson

For more information, visit:

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