Walk Oakland Bike Oakland was founded in 2007 as a response to plans for Oakland's Whole Foods that had little consideration for pedestrians and cyclists.
Since then, we’ve continued to fight for adequate bike and pedestrian facilities.
Some of our major accomplishments include:
Advocating for the City Council to pass the new Bicycle Plan in December 2007
Securing a City Council commitment and funding to get an important new bicycle and pedestrian transportation engineer position funded.
Pushing the City Council to adopt a new bicycle parking ordinance, requiring secure and adequate long-term and short-term parking for bicycles in construction and remodeling projects.
Gaining a commitment from the City of Oakland to fund future Oaklavías.
Bike/Ped Facilities such as:
Electronic bicycle lockers at MacArthur BART, Rockridge BART & 19th Street BART;
Streetscape project at 40th Street at the MacArthur BART station
New pedestrian-initiated signals and crosswalks on Harrison at Westlake Middle School and on Bay Place at the Oakland Whole Foods
Traffic-calming sidewalk bulb-outs and a sidewalk garden at Vernon and Lee Streets
Bike and pedestrian friendly traffic calming devices installed on Oakland Avenue