On December 9, Oakland City Council voted 9-0 in support of building Oakland’s first protected bike lanes on Telegraph Avenue. Many WOBO members, board, partners and supporters were there along with local business owners, property owners, residents, developers, transit reps and church leaders. Your help reaching out to these key stakeholders over the past two years paid off. Mayor Quan was delighted and came out to congratulate everyone on their efforts on behalf of Oakland.

Oakland staff, led by Jamie Parks, will complete design details this winter and hope to build phase 1 of the project as part of next Spring’s scheduled repaving of Telegraph Avenue. We are still working with the City to secure additional funding for bus boarding islands, which are part of the approved project, but which lack an identified funding source. New Measure BB monies can also be used to pay for these bus islands.

What you can do:

Summary of Business District Input to date:

  • Temescal BID: has not taken a postion yet but is showing consensus on a road diet from 20th St up to at least 46th St with a combination of protected bikeways, buffered bike lanes, sharrows and bike lanes
  • Koreatown Northgate (KONO) BID: voted 10-1 on June 10 to support protected bikeway designs on Telegraph Ave
  • Temescal Merchants Association met June 11, and had a lively discussion but took no action
  • Lake Merritt Uptown BID met June 18 and expressed strong support. They expect to take a vote in July

You can help by reminding one of these 90 Telegraph bikeway supportive businesses to attend their BID meeting and show support.

Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets Plan is a City of Oakland project to design Telegraph to be a better street for walking, bicycling, riding transit, and driving between 20th and 57th Streets. As you know, in its current state Telegraph Avenue has major safety issues for all users, including speeding cars that not only are dangerous but are shoppers not shopping here, no space for bicycling?just share the road with SUVs, inadequately sized bus stops, intimidating pedestrian crossings, and public safety concerns due to a lack of more people on the street throughout the evening. Fortunately there is strong public support to change this. Bike East Bay and Walk Oakland Bike Oakland have prioritized building a great bikeway on Telegraph Ave by calming traffic, and bringing the street together? by reducing travel lanes, making walking across the street quick and easy, and greening the street with more space for plants. The goal is to improve the experience for the thousands of people walking and bicycling Telegraph everyday.

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