City of Oakland – Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning and Implementation
The City of Oakland is fortunate to have two excellent City Council adopted plans (Bicycle and Pedestrian) which should help foster safe and convenient bicycling and walking throughout the city. However, in action, the City has struggled immensely to implement both of these plans in almost all ways. Recent streetscape and paving projects either completed (27th St.) or in final design (66th St, 7th Ave at West Oakland BART, and Fruitvale Avenue) failed or soon will fail to include continuous bicycle access called for in the city of the bicycle plan.

While the city has lagged in implementing its bicycle and pedestrian plans, walking rates have increased by 16% while bicycling rates have increased by 42% over the past eight years. The increased number of bicyclists and pedestrians reflect the groundswell of interest in non-motorized travel. While some of this can be attributed to those in a position to choose their mode of travel, 60% of Oakland’s households (2000 Census) have zero or one car, and there are over 50,000 school aged children in the city. These groups rely heavily on walking, bicycling, and public transportation.

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