It’s time to make San Pablo Avenue a street that’s designed for people.
As an arterial road serving four Alameda County cities – Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley and Albany as well as those beyond in Contra Costa County- and many neighborhoods, San Pablo Avenue for most of its length is a busy, congested street for motor vehicles and in its current state unwelcoming to other aspects of multi-modal transportation including cycling and walking.
Our Work
In 2019 Alameda County launched the San Pablo Avenue Corridor Project to identify short- and long-term improvements that address the increasing multimodal demands along the San Pablo Avenue Corridor. Some of the needs WOBO and its fellow organizations have independently identified are:
- Protected bike lanes the whole way
- Bus only lanes the whole way
- Safest pedestrian crossings
Currently the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) is in the scoping phase of the San Pablo Avenue Corridor Project, focusing on targeted small-scale changes to improve pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit rider safety with an anticipated construction initiation in 2022. Near-term improvements are slated to include:
- Pedestrian safety improvements, such as pedestrian curb ramps and crossing improvements
- Bicycle safety improvements to provide a comfortable and continuous route along the corridor
- Transit priority treatments such as dedicated bus lanes to improve travel time and reliability, transit signal priority, signal modernization and coordination, and enhanced bus stops
]If you’d like to be added to the Alameda County San Pablo Avenue Project email list to be alerted of future opportunities for input, email sanpabloave@alamedactc.org.
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