Chris Hwang
President |
Chris is a co-founder of the East Oakland Futures Fest and is actively involved with the Traffic Violence Rapid Revolt coalition. Chris served as the Chair of the City of Oakland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee from 2011 to 2014 and served as a Commissioner on the Bicyclist and Pedestrian Advisory Commission until 2017. Chris provides technology consultations with social impact organizations nationally. Her professional work spans more than 20+ years in public health, education and workforce development. WOBO gives Chris opportunities to advocate for change to make Oakland a healthier place to live.
Jon Aitken
Jon is a passionate advocate for human-scale and human-powered urban transport in his work, studies and every day life. After years as an organizing and advocating as a hobby, he recently took the graduate school plunge to pursue a dual masters in Civil Engineering & Urban Planning at UC Berkeley. In addition to his studies, he is a researcher on pedestrian safety at UC Berkeley’s SafeTREC lab, and otherwise you can find him exploring in the East Bay hills or volunteering at his local Bike co-op. He’s excited to join the WOBO board to spread his love of active transport and advocate for safety, accessibility and fun for his whole community.
Priyanka Altman
Priyanka is a huge proponent of active transport, having lived in Oakland car-free since 2018. She believes that encouraging more people to walk, cycle, and take public transit creates a better community for everyone. She loves the experience of taking in and being a part of the places she walks and bikes through. And, while many can acknowledge the joys and positive impacts of walking and biking, she knows a great barrier to choosing those modes of transportation is the lack of safe, enjoyable infrastructure to do so. In that vein, she hopes to use her time as a WOBO Board member to participate in city meetings and conversations, ultimately serving as an advocate and an activist for improving Oakland’s streets.
Domenico Comacchio
Domenico joined the WOBO board to help the walking and cycling public of the Oakland and the East Bay. His hope is that during this term his evolvement leads to more enjoyable and safe methods of getting around the East Bay area. As a daily cyclist he knows that much can be improved on to reach this goal.
Nancy Falk
Nancy is excited to spread the word about WOBO to get even more Oaklanders walking and biking, having fun together in vibrant and safe neighborhoods. Nancy is a former executive with Kaiser Permanente. She is eager to help figure out effective ways to secure more resources to further WOBO’s goals.
Jacqueline Gauthier
Jacqueline is an avid cyclist who loves to hit the Berkeley/Oakland hills and trails. She was glad to be rid of her car after moving to Berkeley and enjoys walking and taking public transit to get around. Jacqueline joined the Board in 2018 and loves to help out with any graphic design projects. She works for Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA) as a Coordinator helping to connect farmers from around the world with small scale US farmers.
Alexa Kornau
Alexa found her love for cycling early on in Germany, cycling the streets of Düsseldorf. It continued to enable her to get to work and stay healthy when she moved to London and 10 years later it let her explore the beautiful Bay Area. Passionate about cycling as a way to stay healthy but also seeing it as an important infrastructure component for the community, she was keen to support an organization like WOBO. Alexa’s background in Tech in strategy and project management enabled her to lead and build out the strategic planning for WOBO. She is excited to be able to make positive impacts to the community she lives in.
Robert Prinz
Robert is the Advocacy Director at the non-profit organization Bike East Bay, where he focuses on active transportation infrastructure, policy, and planning work throughout Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Previously as Bike East Bay’s Education Director since 2012 he grew their bike education program to 150 free classes per year reaching over 5000 attendees, and wrote over $1M in successful grant applications. This included funding for free bike instructor certifications prioritizing women and people of color for paid leadership roles at classes, and funding for Oakland-based partner organizations such as Cycles of Change and Red, Bike, and Green. Robert has participated in successful transportation funding ballot measure campaigns including Oakland’s Measure KK and Measure U. From 2014 to 2018 he was a mayor-appointed Commissioner on the Oakland Bicyclist and Pedestrian Advisory Commission, and continues to co-chair the group’s Infrastructure Committee that he helped initiate in 2017. Robert was a Community Advisory Committee member to the “Let’s Bike Oakland” bike plan update in 2018-19, and he has coordinated with both state and local partners on legislative and policy matters including Oakland’s bicycle registration ordinance update in 2016, and development of Oakland’s first Neighborhood Bike Route Implementation Guide in 2021.
Midori Tabata
Midori has been working with WOBO since early in its existence, originally getting involved through recreational cycling. She is interested in continuing to help make Oakland safer for all modes of getting around – walking, biking, transit, auto – for all ages, keeping in mind that we change physically as we age and encounter structural challenges.
Nick Whipps
Nick is enthusiastic about working with an energetic community to encourage more walking and biking in Deep East Oakland! Along with this, he’s looking forward to promoting safety improvements that make walking and biking in the Deep East safer and more accessible to everyone.
Do you think you have the chops to join one of the most exciting and rewarding nonprofit Boards in Oakland?
If you want a great experience working hands-on with transportation leaders and visionaries, are looking to listen, learn and collaborate with neighbors to bring great streets to Oakland, and can commit to at least a 2-year term to lead WOBO into its next phase of growth, please check out our Volunteer Match listing.